Why Choice of PCB Core Material is the most important factor in PCB Manufacturing Process?

By Mer-Mar Electronics | Date posted: | Last updated: October 29, 2022
pcb manufacturing process

The performance of a PCB Board as well as the efficacy of the final product depends on the choice of PCB Material. There are a range of properties that help in the selection of board material. In addition to this, the design requirements of the board also have a lot to do with the choice of PCB material.

To understand the choice of material further, let us look at the different layers in a PCB board.

A PCB board largely consists for 4 layers:

  • Substrate
  • Laminate
  • Solder Mask
  • Silk Screen


When it comes to the substrates, there are a wide variety of materials that are used. Some of these include:

  • Aluminium
  • Insulated Metal Substrate- FR1 through FR6
  • Polytetrafluoroethylene
  • Polyimide
  • Flexible substrates such as Pyralux and Kapton

The most common material is Fiber-glass FR4 that works well on account of its rigidity and thickness. Insulated Metal Substrates also work well, since they conduct heat efficiently and are mechanically robust.

In addition, substrates must also meet certain desired properties like glass transition temperature (Tg) or the point where heat causes the material to soften.


Laminates are important on account of properties such as Coefficient of Thermal expansion as well as its tensile strength. Common materials used for laminates include:

  • CEM-1 to CEM-5
  • Teflon
  • FR2 to FR6
  • Copper foil is also often applied to both sides of the substrate.

Solder mask

This layer above the copper foil acts as an insulation layer. While it guards against the external contaminants it also provides the necessary isolation between elements such as pads, copper traces and drill holes.


A silkscreen, of course is used to add symbols that aid in easy assembly.

Some of the factors that go into the choice of material

Types of Board

The choice of circuit board material, is determined by the type of board. There can be different types of Circuit Boards such as:

  • Single-sided, double-sided and embedded
  • Single versus multi layer
  • Rigid or flexible
  • Circuit boards with different electrical functionality

Basis the kind of board, the material requirement can be vastly different. For example, while a single sided PCB requires one layer of substrate, a double-sided PCB’s substrate requires metal layers attached to both sides. Similarly, a rigid PCB uses a solid material such as fiber-glass, while a flexible PCBs uses flexible plastic.

Thermal factors

In choosing the material for PCB manufacturing, the other thing that needs to be kept in mind is the thermal threshold of materials. PCB material with low thermal conductivity can turn out to be extremely detrimental for applications that are heat-intensive.

Other factors that aid selection of material for a PCB Manufacturer include:

  • For mission-critical industries such as medical applications, reliability and performance are the major selection criterion.
  • Weight as well as ability to handle high amount of power are other areas to consider.
  • Expected lifespan is yet another factor to consider for industries such as electronic appliances
  • It is also increasingly important to design boards that can minimize electromagnetic radiation as well as prevent interference from external sources of noise.
  • For industries such as LED Lighting, optimum heat management and improved light output are important selection criterion. Metal Core PCBs, therefore, strongly make the cut. These have a thin layer of dielectric material, which can dissipate heat efficiently.

Going forward with the miniaturization of electronic products, PCB manufacturing will increasingly have to cater to not just smaller but also densely packed boards. 3D moulded plastic boards are thus mediums of the future. The choice of PCB material will have to increasingly cater for:

  • Miniaturisation
  • High speed
  • Long shelf life
  • Reliability

To this end, choosing the right PCB Manufacturer is of critical importance. Years of experience and expertise help a PCB Manufacturer, USA offer industry leading products. Having understood the needs of your product, they can ensure that they choose the right components that align with your bespoke requirements. This will ensure that you have a reliable product that can stand the test of time. The advantage of going with a well-known PCB Manufacturer is also that he is able to offer quick lead time while custom designing your PCB. This means that not only do you have a bespoke product but also the time to go to market is significantly quicker.

Our experienced PCB material management team and advanced material management system can efficiently manage your projects and requirements. We have the resources available to locate parts and materials you need to eliminate the delay and reach quickly to the result.

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What are the Impacts and Measures of IPC Class Requirement in PCB Manufacturing?

By Mer-Mar Electronics | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2021
IPC Class PCB Manufacturing

There is no denying the fact that Industry Standards are very important when it comes to ensuring quality of products. With PCBs, the importance of Industry standards becomes even more pronounced as they impact the success or failure of the final product.

As per IPC-6011, there are 3 classes of PCBs. Each class represents a general kind of board and also delineates the kind of defects. Here is a broad overview:

IPC-6011 Classes

The 3 classes of PCB namely Class 1, 2 and 3 in that order allow for defects in decreasing order. While Class 1 permits the maximum amount of defects and therefore least reliability, Class 3 has rather rigorous requirements.

Class 1

This class of PCBs finds use in general electronic products that are known for their ubiquitous use. These PCBs are not required to last a long time and as long as the product functions, cosmetic defects are allowed.

Class 2

The degree of stringency increases in this class compared to Class 1, although some amount of defects is still permissible. The usage of this Class is found in a range of communication equipment where high-performance is required, however these are not being used for critical appliances.

Class 3

Clearly the most stringent class, its usage is found in critical products such as military and aerospace products as well as in life support systems. This class of boards clearly then need to function seamlessly and reliability is an absolute non-negotiable aspect.

What do these classifications imply in PCB Manufacturing?

By and large the class definitions determine the number as well as the severity of defects that are permissible in the PCB. While a PCB Manufacturer will try and create reliable boards, it is imperative that you know which class you want the board to conform to, depending on your bespoke needs. You need to study your own requirements carefully. For example, if you are fine with a board that lasts for 3-5 years, you would want to opt for a class 2 board that could come at a lower cost than a stringent Class 3 board that would come at a higher cost. On the other hand, if you are looking for a board for a mission-critical product, there is no way you would settle for anything lower than Class 3, irrespective of its cost. It is also important to remember that all PCB Manufacturers USA, may not have the equipment needed to meet the requirements of a Class 3 board. If your requirement is for a class 3 board, you would need to go with a PCB Manufacturer that offers this facility.

Broad overview of the defect criterion in the different classes

The different classes of boards have different benchmarks when it comes to performance as well as cosmetic defects. Here are some parameters set by IPC for each of these classes. Some of these include:

Annular Rings– When it comes to annular rings, some of the standards that IPC has laid down, include those related to:

  • How centered the hole is?
  • What is the width of the ring around the hole?

When it is a Class 1 ring, 180-degree breakout is required, while for class 2 it is 90-degree. In case of Class 3, however the ring needs to measure a minimum of 0.050 mm around the hole.

Solder Joints- For Solder coverage for joints, class 1 has no specification, class 2, 180-degree and class 3 has 270-degree specification.

Component Misalignment- Tombstone is a common defect that SMT components face. IPC therefore has laid down guidelines for component overhang. While for Class 1 and 2, it is less than 50% of pad width while for class 3, it drops to 25% of pad width.

Selecting the right class for your board needs a careful analysis of the following:

  • The requirements for each Class
  • Your own design objectives

IPC’s guidelines, therefore, ensure that you are certain of the degree of dependability being offered by the board and that you are not found wanting on the reliability front. The fallouts of using a Class 1 board for a mission critical appliance can, as the above classifications suggest, be glaring.

It is important to choose the right PCB Manufacturer USA, to ensure that the required capability to deliver these boards is correctly met. A seasoned manufacturer would have the requisite experience in IPC PCB Manufacturing that will go a long way in ensuring reliability of your product.

Mer-Mar has been offering full range of PCB assembly and manufacturing service of all sizes with high-quality PCB prototype to production. We are committed to provide quick turn PCB assembly solution with most advanced PCB technology and convenient services found in the industry.

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How Artificial Intelligence is making PCB Manufacturing More Intelligent?

By Mer-Mar Electronics | Date posted: | Last updated: December 24, 2021
AI in PCB Manufacturing

Over the last one decade, if there is one technology that has metamorphosed from a futuristic, forward-looking concept to a widely used reality, it has to be Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it is popularly called. A ubiquitous technology, it is today being used across a range of applications and is changing the way we live. Whether it is AI driven voice assistants, such as Siri or Alexa or the more ambitious project of self-driving cars, the usage of AI is widespread and is growing exponentially.

The use of AI has been quite widespread in the PCB Manufacturing Industry as well. In fact some of the benefits that AI has brought to the industry include but are not limited to:

  • Rendering the PCB manufacturing process efficient
  • Cost optimization
  • Quicker turnaround times
  • Reduced scrap rates
  • Efficient management of assets, inventory and supply chains

AI can also go a long way in helping systems communicate with each other as well as with operators. With the help of AI, PCB Manufacturers can also determine precise placement of each component, which can both improve performance and significantly reduce the time taken for assembly. With gadgets and therefore PCBs getting progressively smaller in size, the importance of accurate placement of components cannot be overstated.

Another aspect where AI provides a significant advantage is in the area of inspections. AI can easily discover defects, if any, which can in turn go a long way in saving both time and resources, as opposed to manual intervention.

For AI to be able to make a meaningful impact when it comes to PCB Manufacturing, however, the following aspects need to be taken care of:

Accurate data

To be able to make accurate decisions, volume and importantly quality of data is imperative. While AI can play a crucial role in areas such as Automated Optical Inspection that helps in identifying failure and defects, its success depends upon input of accurate data. With the right data inputs, AI can go a long way in minimizing the possibility of defects that can exist with human intervention, where a human operator classifies errors into “true defects” and “false alarms.” However this process is prone to a huge amount of errors that can easily creep in while making this classification. With AI, however, the probability of such errors is extremely negligible.


With both AI and PCB manufacturing being extremely complex operations, what is absolutely imperative is in depth knowledge and the right skills set. With the right kind of professionals the two complex operations can be married. However, this requires that professionals be extensively trained for this operation, who, in turn can oversee developing the AI system in the PCB Manufacturing domain.


For AI to be effective in PCB Manufacturing, another aspect that is of importance is high level of collaboration between the customer and the AI solution provider. The stronger this collaboration the greater the effectiveness of results!


What is also needed, of course is continuous and on going research to unleash the true power of AI in PCB Manufacturing. A certain amount of relentlessness and dedication in the domain of research is a must have if the true potential of AI has to be reaped.
Deep Learning
With deep learning, the most complex PCB operations can be undertaken with ease. For example, if it comes to soldering the PCB, deep learning will ensure that you apply just the right amount of solder. Essentially what deep learning can assist with is understanding the most sophisticated of situations and ensure that the probability of errors is negligent. With both turnaround times and error margins being controlled, the contribution of AI to PCB Manufacturing is priceless.
Machine Learning
The importance of Machine Learning has been reaped in many industries. Essentially it can use data effectively to gain experience and be able to solve complex problems with near zero human intervention.

Applied to the PCB manufacturing process, Machine Learning can go a long way in improving operations as well as reducing the cost of human intervention
To sum up
The positive impact of AI for any PCB Manufacturer, USA is invaluable. To completely harness its huge potential, however, it requires that the above factors be meticulously developed. Above everything enough time and resources need to be dedicated to the usage of AI in the PCB Manufacturing domain. Done well, this could lead to a new era where the production process is extremely streamlined and the outcome is exponentially improved.

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How COVID-19 is impacting the USA PCB Manufacturing & Assembly Industries?

By Mer-Mar Electronics | Date posted: | Last updated: December 24, 2021

COVID-19 has emerged not only as a significant health challenge but also one that has begun to impact business and economy in an unprecedented manner across the world. Latest indices are pointing towards a sharp slowdown in manufacturing output across countries. In fact the Corona virus outbreak could impact the global economy in 3 ways:

By affecting production- Countries beginning with China have already seen a major disruption in production. This in turn has had a ripple impact across the world. The impact has been felt on exporters to China as well as on China’s sources of import.

By disrupting the supply chain– With many countries dependent on importing intermediate goods from China and other impacted countries, supply chains have been majorly disrupted. The slowdown in the impacted countries therefore has had a direct bearing on the production and profitability of these countries as well.

By its impact on financial markets– Disruptions such as the ones mentioned above have its impact on declining equity markets and corporate bond markets. There is weakening trust in financial instruments and markets thereby causing widespread disruption.

China’s Impact

An important aspect of the impact is the fact that China has been at the forefront of this virus and that it is a primary supplier of core electronics components has impacted a host of industries.

There have already been a number of researches, among them that done by Omdia, a leading player when it comes to research in the areas of technology and telecommunications. The research points out that the smartphone market is likely to be impacted on account of China’s high market share. These trends are as true of PCB Manufacturing and PCB Assembly Industries.

The Chinese New Year traditionally has been a period when even in a regular year supply comes to a grinding halt. This year the period saw the issue being further aggravated with factories being closed and a host of quarantine measures and travel restrictions in place. Even in places where production is resumed the delays are already taking a toll on the supply chain.

Another major impact of this on the Electronics Manufacturing Industry is that engineering teams typically travel to China for development of new models and designs. New design development is likely to be seriously impacted with the travel restrictions. The fact remains that even when these restrictions are lifted, there could be a general hesitation with perceived fears of safety. Even if the old supply chains start moving, the issue of new design development is likely to remain unsolved in the short run.

In fact, the longer the duration of the Corona virus outbreak, the greater is going to be the impact on the PCB Manufacturing and Electronics Manufacturing industry, which may need to halt production. Surveys have gone on to show that there is likely to be a minimum of 5 weeks delay in shipments. The need of the hour for USA PCB Manufacturers clearly is to be prepared for them and have contingency plans in place and to prepare for the unexpected. Managing component flow is more important than ever now in ensuring that there is minimal supply chain disruption.

Likely Way Forward

At Mermar, we have our ear totally to the ground so as to be able to track the issue extremely closely. Regular contact with our freight partners also means that we track developments by the hour. If the situation worsens, of course, supplies could get hit further. Whichever way things turn we will be tracking them in real time giving us the ability to react quickly to any changes.

At this time it would be advisable to plan your estimated requirements well in advance and be in constant touch with your account managers who will do what it takes to mitigate the issues being faced as also keep you posted of developments. Please feel free to reach out to us for any clarifications as we tide these times together.

The pandemic, in that sense, is an eye opener on the fact that as global manufacturing declines businesses with international supply chains can get severely impacted and at best can operate only intermittently. In the long term, therefore, it is possible that the PCB Manufacturing industry could also look for onshore manufacturing options for supplies as a likely alternative.

Here is hoping the world overcomes the pandemic and the global economy begins to rebuild itself at the earliest!

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